Grab my new series, "Secrets and Passions of High Society", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
“Do you think she’ll take her first step today?” Clara asked, her voice soft but filled with excitement as she cradled her infant daughter, Rosalie, in her arms.
Gabriel glanced up from his seat near the hearth, where he had been flipping through a ledger. A rare smile played at the corners of his lips, one of those smiles reserved only for Clara and their growing family. “Rosalie is barely a year old, my love. I’m not sure she’s quite ready for such an ambitious feat.”
Clara gave him a mock frown, her eyes sparkling. “Nonsense. Olivia and Alison were walking by the time they were eleven months old.”
“Olivia and Alison were an unstoppable force,” Gabriel replied with a chuckle. “Rosalie seems more content to observe the world from your arms—or mine, when she allows it.”
Clara leaned closer to their daughter, who was babbling softly, tiny fists grasping the ribbon of her mother’s gown. “Is Papa underestimating you, my darling? Shall we prove him wrong?”
At this, Rosalie let out a delighted squeal, as if she understood the playful challenge. Gabriel set his ledger aside, rising from his chair with a stretch. “Very well, if she decides today is the day, I will gladly admit my error.”
Clara carried Rosalie to the middle of the drawing room, where a soft, patterned rug covered the floor. She placed the baby down gently, kneeling beside her. “Go on, my love,” she whispered. “Show Papa what you can do.”
Rosalie blinked up at Clara with her wide, curious eyes—so much like her father’s in shape but carrying Clara’s warm hazel hue. She wobbled slightly as she balanced on her knees, her tiny fingers gripping the fabric of Clara’s gown for stability.
Gabriel stood nearby, his arms crossed in amusement. “You know,” he said, “I’m beginning to think you’re more excited about this than she is.”
“Hush,” Clara replied, her tone teasing but her focus entirely on Rosalie.
Slowly, Rosalie let go of Clara’s gown. She swayed for a moment, then sat back down with a soft thud, letting out a laugh.
“Well, that was a valiant effort,” Gabriel said, stepping closer.
“Don’t rush her,” Clara replied. “She’ll surprise us yet. Won’t you, my little Rosalie?”
Before Gabriel could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed from the hall, and moments later, Olivia and Alison burst into the room. Their matching dresses fluttered as they hurried toward their sister.
“Did she do it yet?” Olivia asked breathlessly, her dark curls bouncing with every step.
“Did Rosalie walk?” Alison added, crouching beside the baby with a hopeful look.
“Not yet,” Clara said, laughing. “But she’s certainly thinking about it.”
“Rosalie doesn’t have to walk to impress us,” Gabriel said, lifting the baby into his arms. “She already has everyone in this house completely enchanted.”
“Even the staff,” Clara added with a smile. “Ellie told me this morning that the kitchen maids take turns sneaking in to see her.”
“Papa,” Olivia said, tugging on Gabriel’s sleeve, “can we take her outside to see the garden? Maybe she’ll walk on the grass!”
“That’s an excellent idea,” Alison chimed in.
Gabriel glanced at Clara, who nodded approvingly. “Very well,” he said. “The Barrett girls are going on an adventure.”
Clara laughed as she stood and followed them toward the garden, her heart full as she watched her family together—a picture of happiness she had never dared to dream of years ago.
“Careful with her bonnet, Olivia,” Clara called gently as they stepped into the garden. “She might pull it off again.”
“I’ll tie it properly, Mama,” Olivia assured her, though the mischievous look in her eyes suggested she found her baby sister’s antics amusing.
Rosalie sat snugly in Gabriel’s arms, cooing at the sunlight filtering through the trees. Her chubby hands reached toward the blossoms that lined the pathway, and Gabriel indulged her, pausing by a rose bush.
“Do you think she likes the roses best?” he asked Clara, brushing a petal against Rosalie’s hand.
Clara stepped closer, smiling at the tender sight. “She likes whatever she can grab hold of, I think. But perhaps roses will be her favorite someday—just like mine.”
Gabriel tilted his head, a soft expression crossing his face. “Is that why you named her Rosalie?”
Clara blushed slightly, brushing her fingers over the rose in question. “Partly. But I also thought it was fitting for someone who’s brought so much beauty into our lives.”
Gabriel’s lips quirked into a half-smile. “A poet, as always.”
Before Clara could reply, Alison darted past them, her excitement palpable. “Come to the lawn, Papa! That’s the best place for Rosalie to practice walking!”
“Don’t run too far ahead,” Clara called, her voice carrying the balance of caution and warmth she had perfected since becoming a mother figure to the girls.
Gabriel shifted Rosalie in his arms, letting the baby grasp his cravat with her tiny fingers. “What do you think, little one? Shall we test your legs on the grass?”
Rosalie’s response was a delighted gurgle, which made everyone laugh.
As they reached the open lawn, Gabriel set Rosalie down gently, holding her hands to steady her. Alison and Olivia hovered nearby, their faces alight with anticipation.
“Do you think she’ll do it?” Olivia whispered to Alison.
“She might! Look at her!” Alison whispered back, though not quietly enough for Clara to miss.
Clara knelt beside Rosalie, brushing a strand of dark hair from her daughter’s face. “Go on, sweetheart,” she said softly. “You’ve got all of us cheering for you.”
Gabriel released one of Rosalie’s hands, watching as the baby wobbled slightly but stayed upright. “That’s it, darling,” he encouraged, his deep voice calm and steady.
With a look of determination far too serious for her small face, Rosalie took an unsteady step forward. Then another.
“She’s walking!” Alison shrieked, clapping her hands.
“She’s doing it!” Olivia cried, bouncing on her heels.
Clara’s heart swelled as Rosalie took one more step before falling softly onto the grass. The baby looked up, blinking in surprise, before breaking into a wide grin.
“You clever girl,” Gabriel said, scooping her up and spinning her gently. “Look at you, walking already.”
“She’s a Barrett,” Clara said, her voice thick with pride. “I should have known she’d be unstoppable.”
The twins rushed forward to embrace Rosalie, their laughter filling the air. Gabriel pulled Clara close with his free arm, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“She’s going to be as fearless as her mother,” he murmured.
Clara leaned into him, her gaze on their children. “And as steadfast as her father,” she replied. “This family has given me everything I could ever want, Gabriel. I never dreamed I could be this happy.”
“Then let’s dream even bigger,” he said, his tone full of quiet promise.
Clara smiled, her heart full as they stood in the sunlight, surrounded by the love they had built together.
The summer sun was beginning to dip below the horizon as the Barrett family gathered for an afternoon picnic in the meadow behind Westcliffe Hall. Gabriel had insisted on the outing, claiming it would be a perfect way to celebrate Rosalie’s first steps. Clara had laughed at his enthusiasm, but her heart warmed at his dedication to creating memories for their growing family.
“This spot is perfect,” Gabriel declared as he spread a blanket over the soft grass. “We can see the entire estate from here, and the breeze keeps us cool.”
“It’s lovely,” Clara agreed, setting down a basket brimming with food prepared by the cook. “And the girls will love exploring the meadow once they’ve eaten.”
“I’m not hungry yet, Mama,” Olivia announced as she darted past them, a net in her hand. “Alison and I are going to catch butterflies!”
“Don’t go too far,” Clara called after her, watching as Alison followed close behind, her own net clutched tightly.
Gabriel chuckled as he lowered himself onto the blanket beside Clara, Rosalie balanced on his lap. “You know they won’t stop until they’ve caught at least a dozen.”
Clara laughed softly, adjusting Rosalie’s bonnet as the baby squirmed. “I just hope they don’t frighten the butterflies too much.”
Gabriel leaned back on one arm, his gaze shifting between the twins and the rolling hills beyond. “Do you ever think about how far we’ve come, Clara?” he asked quietly.
She turned to him, her expression softening. “Every day,” she replied. “Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s real. That this life—our family—is mine.”
Gabriel reached out, his hand brushing hers. “You deserve all of it, Clara. And more.”
Her heart swelled at his words, and she smiled, leaning closer to him. “I never imagined this kind of happiness,” she admitted. “But you’ve given it to me.”
“You’ve given it to me, too,” he said, his voice low and earnest. “I spent so long thinking I didn’t need anyone, that I was better off alone. But you proved me wrong, Clara. You showed me what it means to love and be loved.”
Clara’s eyes glistened as she looked at him, her fingers curling around his. “You’re my home, Gabriel,” she whispered. “You and the girls.”
Before he could respond, a delighted squeal erupted from Rosalie, who had managed to grab hold of a tuft of grass. Gabriel laughed, his expression softening as he looked down at their daughter. “And you, my little troublemaker,” he said, lifting her into the air. “What would we do without you?”
“She certainly keeps us on our toes,” Clara said with a laugh, reaching over to tickle Rosalie’s side.
The baby giggled uncontrollably, her joy infectious. Gabriel lowered her back into his arms, his smile never fading. “She’s the best kind of trouble,” he said.
Their moment was interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and Clara looked up to see Olivia and Alison running toward them, their nets now full of fluttering wings.
“Mama! Papa! Look!” Olivia cried, holding up her net.
“We caught so many!” Alison added, her face alight with pride.
Clara and Gabriel exchanged a smile before turning their attention to the twins. “You’ll have to show us every single one,” Clara said warmly.
As the girls settled beside them, eagerly displaying their collection, Clara felt a deep sense of contentment wash over her. The meadow was alive with the sounds of laughter and the rustling of leaves, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
This was her life now—a life filled with love, joy, and the promise of a bright future. And she couldn’t have asked for anything more.
As the stars began to blanket the evening sky, the Barrett family lingered in the meadow, reluctant to return to the house. Gabriel had lit a lantern to illuminate their little gathering, its golden glow casting a warm light over their faces.
“Tell us a story, Mama,” Olivia pleaded, her net long forgotten as she snuggled against Clara.
“Yes, one of your adventure stories!” Alison chimed in, resting her head on Clara’s lap.
Clara smiled, brushing a stray curl from Alison’s forehead. “All right,” she said, her voice soft and soothing. “Once upon a time, in a little village surrounded by rolling hills, there lived a young woman who dreamed of adventure…”
Gabriel listened as Clara wove her tale, her voice a melody against the backdrop of the evening. Rosalie, nestled in his arms, was beginning to drift off, her tiny fingers clutching at his cravat. He glanced at his wife, marveling at how effortlessly she captured the children’s attention.
“You have a gift,” he murmured when Clara paused to adjust Alison’s blanket.
Clara glanced at him, a question in her eyes. “A gift?”
“For bringing magic into this family,” he said simply.
Her cheeks flushed, and she reached over to squeeze his hand. “You’re the one who brought me into it, Gabriel. You gave me a chance when I thought I had none.”
“And I’ll be grateful every day that I did,” he replied, his tone quiet but firm.
The twins, sensing the pause in their mother’s story, sat up eagerly. “What happened next, Mama?” Olivia asked.
Clara laughed. “Patience, my darlings. The young woman ventured into the hills and found something she never expected—a home.” She glanced meaningfully at Gabriel. “A home filled with love, laughter, and the people she cherished most.”
Gabriel felt his heart swell at her words. “It sounds like a happy ending,” he said, his voice full of affection.
Clara shook her head. “Not an ending. Just the beginning of something even more wonderful.”
As if to punctuate her words, Rosalie let out a soft sigh in her sleep, her tiny form relaxed against Gabriel’s chest. He looked down at his daughter, then at his older girls, who were now leaning against Clara, their eyes drooping with sleepiness.
“We should head back before they all fall asleep here,” Gabriel said with a chuckle.
Clara nodded, though her gaze lingered on the peaceful scene around them—the twinkling stars, the soft rustling of the meadow grass, and her family, safe and content.
Gabriel rose carefully, Rosalie still nestled in his arms. He extended his free hand to Clara, who took it with a smile. The twins scrambled to their feet, stifling yawns as they held onto Clara’s skirt.
As they made their way back to the house, Gabriel glanced at Clara, his heart full. “Do you ever think about what the future holds for us?” he asked.
“All the time,” she replied, her voice filled with quiet joy. “And I know one thing for certain—it will be beautiful, because we’ll face it together.”
Gabriel squeezed her hand, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. “Together,” he echoed.
They reached the house just as the lanterns in the windows cast their welcoming glow. Gabriel carried Rosalie upstairs while Clara helped the twins settle into bed, their protests fading as sleep claimed them.
Later, as they sat by the fire in their private sitting room, Gabriel pulled Clara into his arms, holding her close. “You’ve given me more than I ever thought possible, Clara,” he said, his voice low and full of emotion.
She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “And you’ve given me everything I never dared to dream of, Gabriel.”
As the fire crackled softly, and the weight of the day settled around them, Clara rested her head against his shoulder. They didn’t need words to express their love; the quiet moments they shared spoke volumes.
Their life was far from perfect, but it was theirs—filled with love, laughter, and a future as bright as the stars above Westcliffe Hall. And for Gabriel and Clara, that was more than enough.
Grab my new series, "Secrets and Passions of High Society", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello there, my dearest readers! I hope you enjoyed the book and the Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you 😊
Such a sweet fairy tale story!! I loved it. Love conquers all & wins every time!